DualShock 4 Button Prompts for Need for Speed 2016

First version is released. You'll need Frosty Mod Manager.

Tutorial on how to do this, launch the game without having to go through Frosty Mod Manager, and closing Origin after the game is closed will be in the video. 

Links are at the bottom.

For now Enjoy some screenshots and video of my lousy gameplay using the mod while I try to figure out how Project Unite's handling mod works.

This is the Bat code required for closing origin when the game is closed.

taskkill /f /im "Origin.exe"

CD /D ""E:\Games\Origin\Need for Speed\Frosty\"

START /wait "5" "E:\Games\Origin\Need for Speed\Frosty\FrostyModManager.exe" -launch "Default"
timeout /t 50
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq nfs16.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "nfs16.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto RUNNING
timeout /t 30
taskkill /f /im "Origin.exe"



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