Cerwin Vega AT-12 Rework
A long time ago (15 years perhaps), my father had bought a pair of Cerwin Vega AT-12's.
It did not have tweeters, Kraft (German) Horn type tweeters have been put in it's place.
The mid frequency drivers were there and were serviced.
Subwoofers were bare and naked, only the magnet and metal chassis of the driver, new coils were wound up and made, new cones and surround were put in it's place and a improvised cap.
One of the speaker boxes did not have a crossover, so a crossover from an AT-80 was put in it's place.
That's about what my dad did to them. I have since then cleaned up the wood, rewired the crossover, replaced all the screws(they were rusted).
The plan at the moment is to:
- fix the wood that's cracked
- make new higher quality caps on the woofers
- Spray down and give the crossover brackets a new look
- make the wiring with pins rather than soldered one with another
- Replace the surrounds on the woofers with red ones just like they're meant to be.
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