Modern Warfare 2019 FPS Cap for different monitors

Modern Warfare has this thing were if you don't have the game capped to a certain FPS and capped outside of the game using an external application, the game stutters like hell. In here comes RivaTuner Statistics Server, mostly used as a benchmarking info tool, but it has it's other uses. One of it's other uses is capping the FPS. Thing is, I have a 60hz monitor overclocked to 81hz and a TV at 60hz, and if I want to play on the TV I have to manually set it in the program and in the game (which in a laying position on the bed and a controller is hassle to do), and if I want to play on the monitor again, Vice versa. 
So me and the big brain of mine have thought of a way to battle this. Both the game and the application have profiles/settings files. I simply wrote a batch script where I move 60 fps config files to their folders when I launch from the couch/TV and 81 fps config files with the monitor. 

How I did it? 

First of all I prepared the files 

I have them in separate folders to avoid mixing them up.

the config.cfg file is from Documents/Call of Duty Modern Warfare/players

Set up everything in the game as you'd want on that particular screen and copy it to the folder where you have everything

Next we have the RivaTuner Statistics Server, basically the profiles are kept where the program is installed then Profiles folder.

Set up everything in the program for your settings (I have scanline sync set to -30 to avoid screen tearing)

The thing about batch programs is, the command line window will still stay unless it's an .EXE file.

for that we need a little app to convert it to an exe.

@echo off

xcopy /y "C:\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\fps configs\60fps\config.cfg" "E:\Users\Daniel\Documents\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\players"

xcopy /y "C:\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\fps configs\60fps\ModernWarfare.exe.cfg" "C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\Profiles"

start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\bnetlauncher.exe" -codmw2019

This is the script I wrote. 

@echo off is not necessary it just disables the cmd display so it doesn't show that's copying and launching stuff.

xcopy ( copies files and stuff, have a gander at the many things this command can do)  I used " /y " here to bypass the overwrite prompt it could generate

the first path is the file we want to copy (either 60 fps or 81fps in this case from the folders we made in the beginning) the second is where we want to place the files (the default path to Modern Warfare and RivaTuner files we mentioned earlier)

the next command is used to start an application, (in this case I have an app that bypasses the battlenet launcher and starts the game automatically the first exclamation marks are not necessary I just use them so I can put parameters next to the app path and launch cod. You can just write : start "XXpath to game exeXX" and have it be done

when you're done writing the script 

you can access the app and change the exe format to 64bit | Windows (invisible), and then click convert at the top and save it to the path you made earlier.

You can now create a shortcut, rename that shortcut to Modern Warfare, and then go to Properties and change the icon to the exe of modern warfare. 

I mean If you want a tidy shortcut that is.


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