Cute Credits in Spiderman 2000

I was snooping around the files of the Dreamcast version of SpiderMan 2000

found this in the credits file 
Special Thanks...

(0,55,255)Chad thanks: (128,128,128)Mom Dad and Chris (0,55,255)Dave thanks: (128,128,128)urraca - apologies for the late nights thanks for the early mornings the london boys and girls - sorry it's been so long be seein you all soon! (0,55,255)Chris Ward thanks: (128,128,128)metal howdy to my mates from yorkshire hello to mum hey up mouse - cat says hello leeds for the championship (0,55,255)Peter thanks: (128,128,128)Deborah Matthew and Rachael (0,55,255)Ken thanks: (128,128,128)My Family Tea my buick the league of gentlemen (0,55,255)Alan thanks: (128,128,128)My wife Caroll Maya Kalyn Flores Born July 10th - 2000 (0,55,255)Brian thanks: (128,128,128)Joel and everyone at Neversoft for the trust and respect. Chad who answered all my questions. And Kara for the late nights. (0,55,255)Chris Glenn thanks: (128,128,128)The Neversoft crew for making that call Sarah and Dad and my homies in Phoenix (0,55,255)Aaron thanks: (128,128,128)Joel and Wardcore Ma - Pa - and D. Skillz PNP and STR Richmond Crew Pam Turner (0,55,255)Edwin thanks: (128,128,128)Joel and Chris W. CYPF - CWS - JH - Yan - JH Noelle (0,55,255)Mark thanks: (128,128,128)Ben Scott Pye Robin Strumlauf Jaguar Motor Cars Brenda Scott (0,55,255)Kevin Thanks: (128,128,128)Mom - Dad - Bro All of my friends - and Joel and the Neversoft Crew! :: guilt ladle unveils 2001 :: (0,55,255)Jeremy thanks: (128,128,128)Pam Anderson Jason Andersen Jonah Stich You should all know why you're getting thanked!


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